2018 - 2022 & Present 

Thank you for the donations. With my MBC stage 4 diagnosis things changed. We lost all of our embryos and  donations here have ended over. 

One on GoFundMe was made instead to assist during the time in 2022 through Facebook which has been most grateful for and will help once I have passed away. Thank you.

– Ashley & Mike


May 2012 - 2018

An update on donations... 

First off, we are so blessed and feel so grateful for all of the people who donated. Up until the month of May this really helped out with affording counselling and other complementary care fees. So thank you again for all of this support. It helped us immensely!

As of May any donations received will be put specifically towards IVF costs that will come up down the road. Since we banked 10 wee embryos back in March we are pleased to know that we have our 'B' Plan secured. ('B' standing for babies, hehe.)

So with that said, any donations made from May 2012 onward will be set aside for when we are given the go ahead to start a family. As well as helping cover yearly preservation fees.

Thanks for stopping by!


– Ashley & Mike


January 2012 - April 2012

Since being faced with breast cancer, Ashley has not been working and it is unknown at this time when she will return to her desk job. Because of this her usual monthly income will be cut in half.

Thankfully with the amazing medical coverage we have in Canada a lot of the hospital treatments are covered. And with a great program set up by the BC government, ferry fees are waived for car, driver and patient. But many other costs are not covered.

In the interest of her health and well-being, Ashley is taking several different natural approaches to get her through this difficult time. While she will undergo the recommended chemo, radiation and hormone suppressive treatments, there are some other ways in which Ashley plans to beat this disease. With these extra precautions and health choices comes added costs.

With help from your donation you will help ease financial burden and relieve some of the stress that comes with having this serious medical condition. 

Every penny donated goes directly towards Ashley's care and will help cover the following expenses:

• natural supplements + vitamins
fertility fees (portions not covered by MSP)
• yearly embryo preservation fees
• future in-vitro fertilization transfers
drug costs (portions not covered by insurance plan)
travel costs (for appointments)
naturopath fees
counselling fees

Thank you for your support. It is greatly appreciated.