Today is my 2 year cancerversary. 2 year ago today at exactly 1pm I was told I had a rapidly growing breast cancer. I was 28 years old and scared out of my mind… fearful of the unknown, of chemotherapy, losing my boob and thoughts of potentially dying young, I had every bit of innocence taken from me.
2 years later cancer is still so much a part of my life. There are many things I haven't been able to control throughout this experience. And that is one of the hardest things to accept I think.
So on this bittersweet day I have chosen not to dwell on what January 3 has meant and I am trying to push fears aside. Instead of sadness, I started my day off with a 4K run (first run in over a month because of my last foob procedure). The freedom I felt and sense of control I was given when I hit the pavement is like the best natural anti-anxiety medication I could ask for.
Today, instead of fear and lack of control, I am choosing to feel free.
Beautiful :)